Tuesday, 1 April 2014

More Small Things....

I feels like it's been a while since I've shared a rant so after It's the Small Things.... here is:

Small things that annoy me - part 2. More driving related rants.

I'm driving along and it's pissing it down with rain and because of the rain and the spray, visibility is crap.

All of sudden like a phoenix from the flames, a car appears in front of me, seemingly out of bloody nowhere. And the reason for this? Because it's a grey car (or a silver one) and the driver does not have the fecking lights on! Why is it always drivers of grey and silver cars, the ones that blend in perfectly with the grey sky, the grey road and the grey spray that don't have have their bloody lights on? Seriously, they're not just for show, it's to improve your visibility and to make you visible to other road users. Selfish tossers.

Another small driving thing that annoys me (and this really is a small thing). You go to the petrol station, it's busy, there's a bit of a queue at the pumps so you just go and get in one of the queues and await your turn.

At least you do if you're a normal person. Obviously if you're a complete knobhead then you'll dawdle at the entrance to the petrol station having a look to see which queue is going the fastest whilst being completely oblivious the cars behind you that don't have time for you to fuck about. Pick a queue, get in it and stop holding everyone else up.

And lastly, this is a big thing. Indicators - use them. Your fellow drivers are not bloody psychic.

Thanks for reading


  1. Great post, you are spot on! haha I have nominated you for the ‘Inspirational Blogger Award!’ Details are in my blog post, you deserve it lovely!

    Lauren xx


    1. Oh wow, thanks Lauren! I best get my thinking cap on :-) xx
