Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Photo Post

It's been a busy few weeks so this month's photo post is in 2 parts. Here's part 1.

Lou from Lou Loves Beauty practiced a waterfall plait on me, she did well!

Combining my desire to go the beach in the recent lovely weather and my need to study

More beach photos

A little walk round the local park

St Albans cathedral

Chocolate wine is a bit odd but I can't recommend the Smirnoff Sorbet enough. It's like slush puppies for grown ups!

I'll post some more photos soon, in the meantime here are the links to the previous photo posts:

You can also find me on the twitters @rantingsoflard
And on Bloglovin

Thanks for reading

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate wine does have a bit of a funny taste!Would you like to check out my blog and follow me on bloglovin & gfc(I follow back instantly)?

